
Post PC706 PE Validation (Spring 2021)

Ended Jul 31, 2021

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Full course description

The basics of physical exam techniques have already taken place in PC706 (Advanced Physical Assessment). Preparing for this physical exam check-off will not seem so daunting if you diligently completed the physical exam practice for each module in PC706. 

It is the position of FNU that the Physical Examination is SO important to your success as both a student and, later, a clinician… we will not permit you to proceed to your clinical site without the assurance you are prepared to perform these examinations adequately. This is not meant to be punitive, but rather to ensure you will NOT turn up at your clinical site unprepared, thereby embarrassing yourself, frustrating your preceptor, and causing your patient distress. Your responsibility is to be prepared to demonstrate a head to toe physical exam in less than 50 minutes.